Immersioni da Marsa Alam

Marsa Alam Marsa Alam sta crescendo in popolarità tra la comunità subacquea internazionale. La tranquillità indisturbata del resort, la posizione relativamente remota, a circa quattro ore di distanza dal famoso resort di Hurghada, lo rende la destinazione ideale per una vacanza tranquilla e rilassante. Il fascino di Marsa Alam risiede nel suo aspetto tropicale, che vanta coste ricche di mare blu contornate da barriere coralline, spiagge paradisiache e palme orgogliose. Di conseguenza, Marsa Alam è diventata la meta preferita dei sub desiderosi di esplorare i numerosi siti di immersione incontaminati in cui i delfini e le tartarughe marine nuotano liberamente. Lo snorkeling a Marsa Alam è eccellente con tutte le barriere coralline e le alghe.

Marsa alam tours Diving trip to Marsa Mubark from Marsa Alam

Diving trip to Marsa Mubark from Marsa Alam

Enjoy an amazing diving trip to Portghalib from Marsa Alam. Two dives, one dive in Marsa Mubark and one dive in Marsa Shouna with a professional diving instructor. It's a good chance to see the green sea turtles and the resident dugong, nicknamed DennisEnjoy an amazing diving trip to Portghalib from Marsa Alam. 

DaUSD 65
Marsa alam tours Diving trip to Satayh Dolphin Reef  from Marsa Alam

Diving trip to Satayh Dolphin Reef from Marsa Alam

Diving trip at  Satayh “ Dolphin Reef “ from Marsa Alam .the Satayah Lagoon, also known as Dolphin Reef, home to hundreds of spinner dolphins. The dive site offers as well an interesting cave system in the Red Sea, with colourful soft and hard corals in shallow waters and along the reefs. have an experience of diving and seeing a group of 30 - 40 dolphins will dance in front of your eyes and playing with these amazing animals.

Marsa alam tours Snorkeling trip to Hamata islands from Marsa Alam

Snorkeling trip to Hamata islands from Marsa Alam

Have an amazing snorkeling adventure trip to the Island of Hamata in Marsa Alam . enjoy visiting around 3 Virgin Islands where you will discover the untouched nature of Hamata National Park and seeing the corals and colored fish around the islands that you cannot see anywhere else.

DaUSD 90