15 Day Egypt Itinerary Cairo the Oases and the Western Desert

Inquire Booking
We offer a 15-Day Egypt Itinerary, The antiquities in Cairo, the beauty of Oases and the Western Desert, Fellow Alexander the great, and queen Cleopatra's trip to Siwa. Discover white desert and wadi el Hitan National Parks and Nile Delta. all in a 15 Days unique experience!
Inquire Booking

►  Day 1- Arrival in Cairo
Marsa Alam   tours representative will meet & assist you at   Cairo   International Airport, Transfer to hotel by private air-conditioned vehicle
Overnight in the Hotel
Depends on your arrival. If your flight arrives, If you have an early flight to  Cairo  you can contact us to make a tour suggestion 
Free evening

► Day 2-Giza Pyramids and the Egyptian Museum

You will be picked up from your hotel in   Cairo   by our tour guide to enjoy a great excursion to The  Pyramids of Giza  (   Cheops  , Chephren, and Mykerinus. Then proceed to visit the Great Sphinx, which dates back to the time of and visit   the Valley Temple  .
Lunch will be served during the Pyramids at the local restaurant in Giza
Then visit the Egyptian Museum
The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Tahir
It exhibits a rare collection of over 250,000 genuine artifacts that date as far back as 5000 years, including an exclusive exhibit dedicated to the Tutankhamen - A collection of treasures, gold, and jewelry that were buried in his tomb for over 3,500 years before they were discovered in 1920 when his tomb was excavated.
If you wish to visit the mummies royal hall. You need to ask the tour guide to take the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization and you pay for this. It will cost 200 Egyptian Pounds
The New Grand museum is not open yet. It will be open soon maybe end of 2024 or  in 2025
 Overnight in the Hotel  Cairo   
Optional trip to the sound and the light show at Giza Pyramids and costs 40 $ Per person

►Day 3-Old Cairo

Pick Up time from your hotel in  Cairo  or Giza at 08:00 am with your Egyptologist tour guide, Enjoy a fantastic orientation tour of  Cairo  on an 8-hour excursion that takes in the major monuments of Old  Cairo  and the maze of streets and stalls of the historic Khan El Khalili Bazaar. Following a hotel pick-up from  Cairo  or Giza, you will drive up to the Saladin Citadel, constructed by Salah al-Din on the Moqattam Hills in 1183 AD as a defense against Crusader armies. Known for its fresh air and sweeping views of  Cairo , it is now a preserved historic site of mosques and museums, including the Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
Designed by the Turkish architect Yousif Boushnaq, who came to  Cairo  especially from Istanbul to build the great building, the mosque's alabaster structure stands in beautiful contrast to the sandstone city.
Lunch will be served in a local restaurant in Old  Cairo
Then, visit Old  Cairo  to see major attractions such as the Hanging Church, the Ben Ezra Synagogue, the Church of St. Barbara, and the Church of Abu Serga, one of the oldest Coptic churches in  Cairo
Continue to the Khan el-Khalili Bazaar, one of the oldest bazaars in the Middle East. Discover a maze of alleys that have been at the center of  Cairo ’s trading activities since the 14th century. 
Overnight in the Hotel

Day 4-Cairo- Baharyia- white desert

At 06:00 am Pick up time from your hotel in Giza or in   Cairo  , drive to    Bahariya Oasis  , which is located about 350 km east of  Cairo   This journey takes about 4 hours, in Past when people from Bahariya wished to go to the Nile valley, they often waited until a caravan was passing through, They traveled between the Nile and the oasis in three days( How lucky we are today!!!!!
There will be 2 Coffee Breaks during the trip.
You will see to the righthand side the railways that transport the iron ore deposits to the Steel mill at Helwan, So it is of no use for tourists- Baharyia oasis is the main source of Iron ore of Egypt. The Iron ore comes from the middle Eocene limestone and is located 4 places called Managim
At 10:00 You will arrive at Baharyia oasis then you meet your Safari guide and you will take your 4x4 Jeep and Start your adventure.
Drive to  the black desert   This name stems from the fact that there is a layer of black powder covering its mountains, highlands, and sand. This powder covers the summits of some mountains 
12:00 The Lunch will be served here in El Haize oasis which is located 37 k.m from  Bawiti , Some people refer to this oasis as a separate oasis, during the roman time area was very Prosperous, many of the current families were originally from Libya., Before lunch, you can immerse yourself in a hot water spring which will almost instantly reduce stress. The heat naturally coaxes tense muscles to loosen up which in turn promotes feelings of calm, wellbeing, and tranquility.
There is a museum here called the (water museum ) which is built to show the people the importance of the underground water for the people of the desert and the instruments which were used by the Egyptians to raise the water for irrigation 

13:00 Then drive to the   valley of Agabat
14:00  Arrive at the Valley of Agabat is deep within the  white desert white-desert Egypt 360   . You have to be there to feel the out-worldly beauty of the place. Millions of years ago, the place used to be under the sea. Over the years, unique rock formations of limestone, chalk (and maybe sand) developed.  
Then you will adventure the desert by discovering the Wadi el Agabat by Jeep 4x4 and Enjoy sandboarding -
16: 30  explore the  white desert white-desert Egypt 360     National Park, the most well-known desert destination in Egypt.
There are hundreds of images here each one is reminiscent of an animal- Chicken-  A sphinx, Camels, tents, Mushrooms
17:30 Make tents and Enjoy the sunset
18:30 As the sky turns pink then the deepest fiery orange, the rock-shapes fade, and silence are all around. Sitting around a small fire and enjoying the simplest meal of chicken, rice, and vegetables, you will feel like nothing has ever tasted so good. Bedouin staff will arrange dinner and desert camping. ( Vegetarian food is available ) 
Note:  at night  temperatures can drop suddenly in the White Desert a proper jacket would be necessary to spend the night comfortably- But don't worry we provide all camping equipment like sleeping bags, tents and mattresses 

Day5- The white desert- to Baharyia oasis

you'll enjoy breakfast in the desert, before driving to Bahariya Oasis, On the way back you will visit    Crystal Mountain    Crystal Mountain , locally known as Gebel al-Izzaz. It's more of a crystal hill, seen on the right, which is often called the Jewel of the desert is formed by the quartzite crystals and looks amazing in the sun's rays. A few decades ago, that natural feature has been found by accident. drive to    Bahariya Oasis , Soak in the heat at    Bir Sigam , a hot spring that can help to relax.  Located at 7 km east of Bahariya on the    Cairo  road, the spring is the best hot spring in temperature, Lunch will be served in Loca restaurant in Bahariya, After lunch, you will discover    Bahariya Oasis , The palm and olives fields, Gebel Maghrafa. where the biggest Diansour( (Stromer's Tidal Giant) was ever discovered in 1914 at the base of Gebel Dist. Lake al-Marun which is the biggest salt lake in   Bahariya Oasis , Enjoy the sunset from The summit of the English Mountain(Gebel Al Ingleez). the view from the top offers a panorama of the northern part of the oasis .drive to the hotel in Bahariya for Check-in.

Day 6- Bahariya Oasis -Fayoum 

After breakfast in the hotel. we will visit the tombs of   Bannentiu and Djed-Ankh-Amun-Iuf   (Zed-Amun) The tombs at Qasr Selim (26th Dynasty)In 1938 the Egyptian archaeologist Ahmed Fakhry (1905-1973) discovered four tombs at the ridge of Qarat Qasr Selim. Visit   Bawiti  .    Bawiti   is the Capital of   Bahariya Oasis , Then Visit the Museum of the golden mummies and the temple of Ain El Muftella,   Bahariya Oasis , Then drive to  Fayoum 
Overnight in Tunis village echo lodge 

Day 7 Wadi el Hitan trip-Fayoum

At 07:00 Am pick up from   Cairo  airport transferred by air-conditioned Car to El Fayoum Oasis in the Western Desert Desert Trip to Wadi El Hitan
From: Cairo , Egypt.
To: Tunis Village, Youssef Al Seddik, Egypt.
Driving distance: 122 km.
Duration: 1 hour 55 mins.
Start your adventure by Toyota land cruiser 4x4  to   Wadi Al Hitan Wadi-Al-Hitan Egypt 360  
From: Tunis village in Fayoum, Egypt.
To: Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt.
Driving distance: 69.2 km.
Duration: 1 hour 37 mins

Wadi Al Hitan Wadi-Al-Hitan Egypt 360 Wadi-Al-Hitan Egypt 360   ’ is a Protected area and a Natural Heritage Site added in 2005 by UNESCO as a world heritage site, WADI EL-HITAN is also known for scientists in the Zeuglodon Valley, have been discovered in 1936, it is located 35 KM west of the Wadi El-Ryan, right deep into the desert western desert, is It is an area of fossils; considered as an open museum, dates back to 45 million years and contains petrified primitive whales skeletons, shark teeth, shells and roots of Mangroves preserved in soft rocks. Everywhere you go here you find petrified sea shells and corals, Visit the  Fossil & Climate Change Museum Wadi-Al-Hitan#Change_Climate_Museum Egypt 360 Wadi-Al-Hitan#Change_Climate_Museum Egypt 360  
 The museum hosts a variety of whale fossils, and skeletons that are displayed outdoors, as for the museum has a variety of fossils, skeletons, fossilized mangroves, and ancient seashells exhibited indoors in glass boxes
At 12:00 Enjoy your lunch
Drive to The Magic lake and Gebel Al-Mudawara
The Magic lake:
One of the most beautiful lakes in Egypt, overlooking sand dunes, is the Magic lake. Around the lake gives you the chance to witness one of the most eye-catching sunsets you will ever see.
The Magic Lake is a beautiful lake located in Wadi El Rayan in Fayoum. It was named the Magic lake as it changes its colors several times a day depending on the time of year and the amount of sunlight it receives.
It is an amazingly beautiful place surrounded by desert. People spend their time hiking & sand-boarding beside Magic Lake or even swimming in the lake itself.
The lake contains minerals that are said to help treat patients with rheumatism.
It’s simply a magical place for a magical trip.
Gebel Al Mudawara
Seven Kilometres south of the waterfall, Along the left eastern side of the road, Is a picturesque Area known as  Al Mudawara, The Lookout, There are three  Mountain along the lakeshore, it is  a favorite Picnic Area
Wadi El Rayan
Wadi El Rayan is a depression 42 Meters below sea level and covers 673 K.m.In 1966 this depression became a water reservoir when it was connected with Qarun Lake by underground Pipe
Tea time by sunset- Bbq Dinner and overnight in the Camping

Day 8-Fayoum oasis- Cairo

Enjoy Egyptian Breakfast, followed by a visit to Hawara Pyramid at 09:00
The Pyramid of Hawara ( Arsinoiton Polis) was built by King Amunemhat III during the twelfth Dynasty the Pyramid, its casing removed in Roman times, looks like a heap of rubble, but the site was one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Egypt.
The Mortuary temple was the labyrinth that so mazed The greek traveler ( Herodotus) I visited this Place and found it to surpass the descriptions( He said the Labyrinth was believed to have been hewn from one single rock and Contained over 3000 rooms, It was also mentioned by almost every ancient traveler Strabo, Diodorus
Here at Hawara 146, Fayoum portraits were found in the Cemetery North of the Pyramids( You Can see a few of them  at Kom Aushim Museum and in    Cairo    Museum)
At 11:30 We will visit. the Museum of Kom Aushim and Karanis 
Kom  Aushim  Museum is a Good Place to pick guides to all parts of Fayoum. The museum was originally erected in 1974. It exhibits artifacts dating from the Prehistoric to Roman Periods it Also Exhibits Fayoum Portrait.
( The Lord`s Town) is one of the Largest Greco Roman Cities in the Fayoum. Founded in the Third Century B.c and Originally inhabited by the Mercenaries of Ptolemy the Second`s Army. The City has two temples Drive to  Cairo

Overnight in the Hotel

Day 9- Memphis- Sakkara and Dahshour

You will be picked up from your hotel by  Marsa Alam  tour guide to enjoy  Cairo  Day Tour to Memphis Sakkara and Dahshur Pyramids. You will start with the Step Pyramid at Sakkara, which is considered the world's oldest major stone structure. It was built in the 3rd Dynasty for King Djoser. Then Proceed to have your lunch at a local restaurant. After that transfer to Memphis which was founded by King Menes, and was the capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom, it was considered to be a center of rule and culture for over 3000 years the first capital of Egypt, and see the Statue of Ramses II and the Alabaster Sphinx of Memphis. Then drive to Dahshur, Two of the later pyramids constructed here have been completely destroyed by time, and the elements and several others, such as the Black Pyramid (12th Dynasty, 1929-1885 BC), are badly damaged, but Dahshur also boasts two of Egypt’s best-preserved early pyramids. Both built during the reign of King Sneferu (2613-2589 BC), the founder of the 4th Dynasty, the Bent Pyramid, and the Red Pyramid at Dahshur are massive evidence of the architectural development that lead to the construction of the Great Pyramid and it companions at Giza. Then drive to your hotel.
Overnight in the Hotel

Day 10- Cairo- Alexanderia

Start your private tour to   Alexandria   from   Cairo  , starts at 7:00 am with Pickup from your hotel by our Egyptologist, and transfer by Private A/C Vehicle to   Alexandria  , The distance is 220 k/m Northwest of   Cairo  . Arrive at    Alexandria   around 10 am
Start your day Tour in  Alexandria  Visiting The Roman  Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa  
The Catacombs Kom el Shoqafa  :
Archaeologists believe that the Catacomb of Kom el Shoqafa was started in the 2nd century A.D. and was used to intern the dead for the next 200 years. This was a period in the history of the city of  Alexandria  when there was a great mixture of different cultures. Of course, there was the ancient history of the great Egyptian kingdoms which went back thousands of years
Pompey Pillar:
Has nothing to do with Pompey. The story behind the name refers to the possible burial ground of the Roman general when he fled to Egypt and was assassinated after losing a major battle in Greece against Caesar. The red granite column was probably built to honor Emperor Diocletian. Today it stands 25 meters high and is the tallest ancient monument in  Alexandria
The Citadel of Sultan Qeitbay:
The Citadel was built in the 15th Century by the Mamlouk Sultan Qeitbay, To Guard the City against the threat of Crusaders, This wonderful Islamic Monument was built by the use of the ruins of the old Lighthouse that was constructed by Ptolemy 11 in 3rd Century B.c. The Lighthouse was damaged during an Earthquake that Occurred in Egypt in 1303 A.c during the reign of the Mamlouk King  Qeitbay
Lunch in  Alexandria  in Egyptian Restaurant
The new Library of  Alexandria  :
The Library of  Alexandria  was reborn in October 2002 to reclaim the mantle of its ancient namesake. It is not just an extraordinarily beautiful building; it is also a vast complex where the arts, history, philosophy, and science come together. Moreover, the myriad activities it offers have made it a place for open discussion, dialogue, and understanding.
Al Montazh Palace :
The Montaza Palace gardens are located at the eastern edge of  Alexandria  on the north coast of Egypt. The complex, which is around 360 acres in size, is a beautiful property that overlooks Al Montaza Gulf. The complex also contains five beaches for swimming: Aida, Cleopatra, Vanessa, Semiramis, and the private beach of Helnan Palestine Hotel. There are all sorts of fun to be had in Montaza. 
At the end of your tour check into your hotel in  Alexandria  , Overnight in  Alexandria

Day 11-Alexanderia-Alemein- Marsa Matrouh-Siwa

Pick up time from your hotel in    Alexandria   at 07:00  and drive to    El Alamein    From    Alexandria   .
To:   Alexandria  , Egypt.
Driving distance: 1 m.
Duration: 1 min.
El Alamein     Controlled the north African coast which opens the way to the whole Egypt and the trade routes to the Far East via the red sea and the Indian Ocean. During the second world war, the Axis powers wanted to dominate Egypt in order to close Britain`s sea routes to its colonial empire, which the British desperate to protect. starting in 1940 with the Italian invasion to Egypt via Libya, The coastal town of Al Diffa was the scene of the ongoing battle.
El Alamein     Museum
The small     El Alamein   museum,  about 1 mile west of the British memorial, is located on the north side of the road, for anyone interested in the war Memorabilia. it is worth a stop. Created in 1965 from debris found on the battlefield, It contains uniforms, Weapons, Flags and other war Paraphernalia. Displays include Photographs and the battle sites
El Alamein     War Cemetery
It was designed by Sir Herbert Worthington and is maintained by the British war graves commission in    Cairo    , Here 7,367 men from Britain, Newzealand, Australia, South Africa, Greece, France, India and Malaysia are buried in individual graves, while 11,945 men, whose bodies were never found, are honoured in the cloister that precedes the graveyard
Beyond the cloister is the Individual graves, each, topped with white Marker, Approximately 815 soldiers were identified and their names are inscribed over the graves
The German war Memorial
Thee kilometres, west of the Italian marker, the German war memorial is a single octagonal building erected in 1959, overlooks the sea, Patterned after the castle del Monte. the memorial contains the bodies of 4280 German soldiers, at the Entrance, it stands an impressive golden mosaic, to the right of the Entrance is a small chapel where families and friends honour the dead with wreaths, Photographs and memorial ribbons.
The Italian Memorial
The Elegant white marble Italian Memorial, the largest structure at     El Alamein     .stands 5 kilometres beyond the German Memorial, it was designed by Paolo Caccia dominoni who served  at El-Alamein and also wrote a book about it
In the Entrance,  there is a small museum and  in the chapel is inscribed ( To 4800 Italian soldiers, sailors and airmen, the desert and the sea did not give back 38,000 who are  missing)
The main memorial overlooks the sea at the top
Then drive to Siwa from    El Alamein

Day 12-Siwa attraction

Breakfast at the hotel. Pick up at 07:00 am from the hotel. You will visit today's Siwa attractions, we will start with Alexander the Great Temple is also known as the Temple of the Oracle. It is believed that Alexander the Great wished to consult the Siwan oracle to seek confirmation that he was the son of Zeus. The Greek god of gods, when he and his entourage arrived at   Siwa oasis siwa-oasis Egypt 360 after a long trip through the desert.                        
Then drive to the salty lake. The salty water takes you above the water and makes you float., You don't need to be a good swimmer. Take care when you go swimming and don't let the water reach your eyes. as it is really painful. Choose the crystal lake and they are many of them. But keep looking for the purest one, when you see the bottom. Take a bottle of Mineral water to shower with after swimming in the lake, The salt lakes have similar hyper-salinity properties to those of Jordan’s Dead Sea. This also means that the lakes hold great healing properties, much stronger than regular seawater. In all cases, You will make for a wonderful swim!
at 11:00 Then proceed to (Cleopatra's bath )The spring of the sun. It has been mentioned by travelers to Siwa, The legend maintains that Cleopatra swam here,                                            
Then Proceed to the temple of Umm Ubaydah or Amun temple, Just 200 m further from the Temple of the Oracle, the temple was erected by the pharaoh Nectanebo of the 30th Dynasty,
This structure is almost completely destroyed, owing to its dynamiting in 1896 by an Ottoman governor eager to acquire building material. An inscribed wall represents all that remains to be seen. Based on earlier drawings by pioneer explorers, however, scholars have deduced that the temple was erected by the pharaoh Nectanebo of the 30th Dynasty.
  The temple of Amun
12:00( Taste the Siwan lunch )  in a Siwan restaurant at Abdo restaurant.
  Abdo restaurant Siwa
Then you will adventure the desert by discovering the Great Sand Sea. by Jeep 4x4 and Enjoy sandboarding -The best sand dunes for sand boarding in Egypt is here in the Great Sand Sea near Siwa Oasis 
Visit the hot and Cold spring Bir Waheed  Later, we enjoy some traditional Bedouin Tea by sunset& Overnight in desert Camp and Enjoy Bbq Dinner.
If you need to Sleep in a Hotel instead of the camp, This is also available. we have nice Ecolodges in Siwa

Day 13- Siwa oasis- Marsa Matrouh

Breakfast at the Camp at 07:00 then drive back to    Siwa oasis siwa-oasis Egypt 360 , Visit Shali Fort which is Built on a hill inside a Protective wall originally breached by a single gate, the maze of mud-brick buildings that Comprises the Fortress served the people of the oasis for nearly 8 centuries. The inhabitants had to live in the narrow quarters,  sharing their animals, which were herded into the fortress each evening. The huge chunks of salt so prevalent in    Siwa oasis siwa-oasis Egypt 360   were used  in the constructions  of the fortress, as they helped to strengthen the wall, Rain has unfortunately proved to be more destructive to the fortress than any human invaders 

Then proceed to the Mountain of the Dead is a conical mountain a little over a kilometer to the north of Shali. Tombs from the twenty-sixth Dynasty, Ptolemaic, and the Roman periods are cut into the side of the mountain, There are four tombs worth seeing at Gebel Al – Mawta. Si Amun Tomb is the most beautiful in   Siwa oasis siwa-oasis Egypt 360 . Si Amun appears to have been a wealthy Egyptian, Perhaps of Greek origin, but a follower of the ancient Egyptians belief, The tomb contains an Image from the Egyptian pantheon, including an Exquisite painting of the goddess nut standing beside a sycamore tree.

Then drive to  Marsa Matrouh Discover Marsa Matrouh, Egypt’s Mediterranean shore. With sandy white beaches and crystal clear waters, many believe that Cleopatra herself bathed in the tranquil waters of Marsa Matrouh.Enjoy the beach there 
Overnight in the Hotel

Day 14 Free day in Marsa Matrouh 
Enjoy a day on the beach 
then back to Cairo
overnight in Cairo 
Day 15- International departure

End of 15 Days Egypt Itinerary 
Check out after breakfast, then join our representative who will pick you up and help you in the departure procedures at the airport .


  • ►  Giza Pyramids
  • ►  Cairo museum
  • ►  Old Cairo
  • ►  The Mosque of Mohamed Ali
  • ►  Memphis
  • ►  Sakkara
  • ►  Dahshour
  • ►  Abu Simbel
  • ►  Phiala temple
  • ►  Karnak
  • ►  Valley of Kings
  • ►  Hatshepsut temple
  • ►  Marsa Alam
  • ►  Discover the sea
  • * Family And Group Have a Special price

►  Inclusions:

  • ►  Pick up service at Airport
  • ►  4 nights at 5* hotel in Cairo(bed and breakfast)
  • ►  1-night Camping at the white desert(bed and breakfast)
  • ►  2 Nights in Aswan at 5 stars hotel(bed and breakfast)
  • ►  2 Nights in Luxor at 5 stars hotel(bed and breakfast)
  • ►  5 Nights in Marsa Alam all-inclusive 5-star 
  • ►  An escorted knowledgeable tour guide all over the tour.
  • ►  All your transportation during the tour with a private A.C car
  • ►  Entering fees to all the mentioned sightseeing on the itinerary.
  • ►  Private transfer from Marsa Alam to Aswan
  • ►  Private transfer from Luxor to Marsa Alam
  • ►  Visit Abu Simbel temples included 
  • ►  All Service Charges and taxes.


  •  Pick-up service at Cairo Airport.
  • 6  nights at 5* hotel in Cairo( bed and breakfast basis.)- Steigenberger Pyramids
  • 1 night in Alexandria 3 Stars Hotel
  • 2 nights at Ghaliet Hotel in Siwa
  • 1 night at Tunis Village Ecolodge in Fayoum
  • 1-night camping in the white desert
  • 1-night Baharyia oasis Ecolodges
  • ►1  night in fayoum echo lodge 
  • 1 night in Marsa Matrouh
  • An escorted knowledgeable tour guide all over the tour.
  • All your transportation during the tour with a private A.C car
  • Entering fees to all the mentioned sightseeing on the itinerary.
  • All Service Charges and taxes.


  • International Airfare.
  • Egypt entry visa.
  • Tipping
  • Optional Tours

Please remember to bring:

  • Passports valid 6 months
  • Hat
  • Suncreams
  • Sunglassees

►  What you'll get Live guide

  • ►  English, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Dutch

 ►  Duration:

  • ►  About 15  Days / 14 Nights

 ►  Type:

  • ►  Private

►   Run:

  • ►  Everyday

►   Pick-Up Time:

  • ►  according to the flight

► Booking Method:

  • ► Full Payment during the trip or by Visa Card Online Via our website​​​​​
Reservations should be made as early as possible to book the desired Nile cruise, spaces will be secured upon receiving a deposit of 25 %, and during the Christmas and New Year holidays, the required deposit is 50%. This deposit forms part of your final payment. Deposits can only be made by credit cards, wire transfer, and or the Western Union

►  Tipping

It is a customary attitude for expressing one's satisfaction with good services rendered to him by staff on duty with him. We advise if you are willing to offer it, this would be great and if not, you are not obliged to do it.

►  Prices:

Prices are quoted in $ USA Dollars per person per trip in Double Cabin 

►  Payment PolicyChildren Policy:

  • ►  0 - 01.99 Free of Charge
  • ►  2 - 5.99 pay 25% of the tour price
  • ►  6 - 11.99 pay 50% of the tour price
  • ►  12+ pay full tour price as per adult person.



  1. Cairo
  2. Al Farafra Desert
  3. Cairo
  4. Aswan
  5. Luxor
  6. Marsa Alam